Mobile & Edge TPU Openings

DATAMIMO has an opportunity for you to collaborate with your data science, programing skills with your website developer skill to solve high impact machine learning (ML) problems. We are building web-based systems that are incorporated with advanced ML algorithms for on-line and real-time solution. We use cutting edge ML, data mining and optimization algorithms to solve challenges in various areas. You will develop, convert and deploy ML programs to web-based applications.. 

You Need to Have:

  • 1+ years of experience in machine learning engineering and website development
  • Experience with modern machine learning/statistical techniques
  • Experience with programming and website development skills
  • Experience with Java Script, PHP, HTML5
  • Experience with Python, Jupyter Notebook
  • Experience with TensorFlow and TensorFlow Lite

DATAMIMO has an opportunity for you to collaborate with your data science, programing skills with your app developer skill to solve high impact machine learning problems. We are building mobile platform-based systems that are incorporated with advanced machine learning (ML) and reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for mobile platform solution. You will develop, convert and deploy ML & RL programs to mobile-based platform applications.. 

You Need to Have:

  • 2+ years of experience in machine learning engineering and mobile app development
  • Experience with app development in iOS and Android platforms
  • Experience with programming and mobile app development skills
  • Experience with Python, Jupyter Notebook
  • Experience with TensorFlow and TensorFlow Lite
  • Experience with Java Script, PHP, HTML5

DATAMIMO has an opportunity for you to collaborate with your data science, programing skills with Edge TPU and Edge micro-controller (MCU) developer skill to solve high impact machine learning (ML) programs. We are building edge device systems that are incorporated with advanced machine learning and reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for edge devices such as edge TPU (Coral.AI) and edge MCU (SparkFun) solutions. We use cutting edge machine learning, data mining and optimization algorithms to solve challenges in device deployment area. You will develop, convert and deploy ML and RL programs into edge devices applications.. 

You Need to Have:

  • 3+ years of experience in machine learning engineering and edge devices such as Edge TPU and MCU development
  • Experience with Edge TPU development in Coral.AI and SparkFun platforms
  • Experience with programming and edge device app development skills
  • Experience with Python, Jupyter Notebook
  • Experience with TensorFlow and TensorFlow Lite
  • Experience with Java Script, PHP, HTML5